How does Actor's Equity allow this? The cast of "Once on this Island performed Wednesday night at 8 p.m. and the next
MORNING were to do a student matinee that began at 10:30 a.m.?? This is dedication. ...
... Following the performance most of the schools allowed their students to remain for a Q & A with the entire cast
on stage.
Q - How would you describe the style of dance?
A - Afro-Caribbean
Q - How often did you rehearse?
A - A lot...8 hours a day.
Q - Were you nervous the first time you were ever on stage and today?
A - Yes...No
Q - How did you do the accents?
A - We had a dialect coach (Scott Whitehurst)
Q - How did you get your start in acting?
A - Keep auditioning and auditioning until you get it. NEVER GIVE UP.
Q - Papa Ge...who did you get your laugh?
A - Christopher Morgan. From the character Jafar in the Disney cartoon movie
Q - How long have you been singing and acting?
A - Trisha Jeffrey (Ti Moune) I started singing at age 11 and
had been dancing for 10 years but had no classical training. I studied African dance and jazz at college.
Q - How did you make the dancing look so easy?
A - By LaVon Fisher. It's all about relationships...we enjoy each other
and play a we're 12.
Q- Is there anything in the play that relates to your normal life?
A- Trisha. Yes...defying parents, leaving
home, begging a friend to stay and they leave... a lot of women go through that. Moments in life help make us better actors
on stage... we're connected to it.
Q - How is it to work with two different young Ti Mounes?
A - Christopher. Very easy. We got lucky with two great young
Q - Was dancing hard to learn?
A - E. Faye Butler. When you're 90...the older you get..the harder it is...have to warm
up more, wrap can't hurt yourself on stage...have to prepare yourself.
Q - Any tips you can give?
A- Christopher. Don't ever stop...keep on going...take lots of classes...get a lot of
in school plays.
David St. Louis: Don't get stuck in one style of acting or it all.
E. Faye Butler: This is a short-lived business. Don't negate what your parents say. Get an education.
Q. - Was it rough to audition when you have to act, sing and dance?
A - J.D.Goldblatt. pick a song you know
very well.
David St. Louis. I am NOT a dancer but I sing very well.
Q. - What year does the play occur?
A - LaVon Fisher. It's an imaginary's a tale. But our director put it in
the 1950's.
David St. Louis: But this is still the life of many in the islands even today.
Q - To Miah Marie Patterson (young Ti Moune). What do you do in your spare time and how do you remember your lines?
Not hard to remember the lines. It's natural actually. I watch tv, go to school, draw, sing and dance.