This highlights the end of Trisha's time at La Guardia High School, includes her performance on a tv show, and marks
her beginning in choreography.
Information coming soon...
Information on 49th Street Blues, Trisha's first show at Lehman College. Includes a newspaper
article excerpt and picture!
Another show from her time at Lehman College called Night of the Assassins.
Shows at the Harlem School for the Arts and its affiliated Classical Theatre of Harlem: The Colored
Museum, Macbeth, and Lysistrata. Includes pictures and extensive information about the history behind performances
of Macbeth in Harlem.
Includes: her performance in Caroline, or Change at The Studio Theatre;
her first solo show - Trisha Jeffrey in Lee Summers' "Just a Piano" in October;
and her performance in Harold Wohlfart's Palazzo in Stuttgart, Germany.